A Day in the Life of an Instructional Coach


Instructional coaching
Professional learning

The not-so-secret role instructional coaches have in shaping adoption, transformation, and use of technology in the classroom.

Instructional coaches are at the heart of educational transformation. Their goal is to empower their educators with the tools and knowledge to inspire curiosity, nurture creativity, and encourage critical thinking among their students. They create valuable partnerships between the district’s or principal’s goals and the classroom educator's needs—particularly in regard to integrating technology to enhance learning. 

Instructional coaches are the biggest influencer of educators’ transformation of classrooms into vibrant and dynamic environments where technology fuels discovery and innovation.They bridge the gap between educational technology and classroom application by fostering trust, building relationships, and providing support materials. Their efforts enable educators to effectively and reliably adopt new technologies. They also collaborate with administrators to navigate the complexities of technology integration and ensure that the investments in educational technology yield tangible benefits in student learning outcomes. Instructional coaches are the people that can make or break the successful adoption of your edtech tools. 

Building Connections with School Administrators 

Educators confer with one another in an empty classroom.

An instructional coach's responsibilities often include collaborating with principals to ensure their coaching is aligned with educational priorities. These sessions build trust and understanding of their school’s unique needs. They collectively analyze student performance data, identify challenges educators are facing, and develop plans for integrating technology effectively to achieve their goals. This partnership ensures that instructional goals are in sync, creating a unified approach to tackle the complexities of modern education.

Facilitating Professional Development 

Instructional coaches spend significant parts of their day either creating materials for or conducting professional development with educators. They focus on crafting and leading learning experiences that tackle the difficulties of integrating teaching methods with technology and overcoming resistance from educators who may be fearful, skeptical, or attached to traditional approaches. Their hands-on training sessions are tailored to meet educators' needs, encouraging the integration of digital tools to make learning more engaging and accessible.

Supporting Classroom Technology Integration

Within the classroom setting, instructional coaches offer immediate, on-the-ground support to educators incorporating new technologies and teaching strategies. This direct support enables educators to apply new approaches confidently, ensuring that technology serves as a means to enhance teaching and learning rather than as a tool unto itself. Instructional coaches help identify and solve problems, demonstrate effective practices, and deliver constructive feedback. This partnership cultivates a culture of continuous improvement and innovation in teaching. By fostering this environment, instructional coaches help to ensure that the integration of technology contributes positively to the learning experience.

Reflecting on Progress and Planning

An instructional coach helps provide support to educators incorporating new technologies and teaching strategies.

Reflection is an essential component in the role of instructional coaches, providing strategic opportunities to assess and enhance the ongoing adoption of technology and innovative teaching methods. This process helps instructional coaches identify the most effective ways to support educators in adopting and integrating new strategies and technologies. It also ensures that investments in educational technology are optimized to yield the highest possible return on investment for the school, not only in financial terms but also in terms of student learning outcomes.

A Critical Partnership

A successful adoption, engagement, and eventual renewal comes from an active partnership between the instructional coaches of your customers and your customer success or engagement teams. Your edtech product or service has the potential to improve the process and practice of teaching and learning, but its success depends on practical implementation at scale. Instructional coaches are your means to accomplish this, guiding educators on how and when to integrate your solution in the classroom. By providing instructional coaches with what they need, you not only ensure the optimal use of your solution but also contribute to educational transformation. 

What Instructional Coaches Need from You 

Instructional coaches require materials that are not only ready-to-use but also deeply embedded within instructional strategies to ensure relevance and effectiveness with their educators. Having this support makes it easier for instructional coaches to train educators more effectively, in an instructional context that is familiar and relevant. These materials should include detailed lesson plans, real-world implementation examples, classroom management tips, and use cases across content areas and grade levels. Investing in these kinds of materials for instructional coaches directly influences the success of your adoption within any school district—large or small. 

Your investment in a partnership with your customer’s instructional coaches paves the way for a future where your solution helps elevate the learning experience for all students. Instructional coaches are the linchpin in the K-12 education market, directly influencing the successful integration of technology in education. Our team of former classroom practitioners and instructional coaches know what the right mix of materials is necessary to support your customer’s instructional coaches. Contact us today to learn about how our engagement packs can multiply your effectiveness and reduce the churn of customer renewal.